Tuesday, December 4, 2012

My 2nd grader brings me homework.

Christopher is star of the week at school.  As part of the celebration, his parents had to write a letter or a story about him.  Here's what I came up with. I thought it was too cute not to share. :) 

Once upon a time, in the Land of Davison, there lived a beautiful Queen, Niki, and her King Nugget.  They dreamed and dreamed of one day having a little Nug to follow in the King’s footsteps.  They waited for five years before seeking the assistance of the town’s wizard.  The wizard cast a spell on the two of them and the beautiful queen became pregnant with the new prince.  The prince was born on November 29th and they named him Christopher Daniel.  He was the most handsome prince of all.  He had beautiful blue eyes, gorgeous blonde hair and the most precious smile in all the land. 
At first the King and Queen thought the wizard may have made a mistake. They thought their handsome prince might be part turtle.  The prince would stretch out his neck and pucker his lips and he looked like a turtle popping his head out of his shell.    So they sent him on a trip on his valiant stead, his brave horse, back to the wizard.  After much testing, it was decided that he was a pure boy!!!

As Christopher grew he was such a big helper.  He helped his mother, the queen, put groceries away and he helped with laundry. He was so strong and brave. He always drank lots of milk and ate good food which made him have strong muscles.
When Christopher was four years old, the King and Queen visited the wizard again and Christopher became a big brother.

Christopher was a wonderful big brother. He taught his little brother to be brave and strong. Christopher and his brother, Kyle, would sword fight in the castle.  They would also have wrestling matches with the King.  Christopher and Kyle wanted to be big giants just like their father. 

Christopher became a very good soccer and baseball player. He loved anything that involved running, throwing or hitting a ball. He practiced most of the time.  Sometimes he would take a break and sing and dance with his mother.  Oh, how she loved those moments.  Dancing and singing with her sons in the kitchen was one of her favorite things to do, especially when prince, Christopher would bust out his shuffle.  He was a great singer and dancer. J 
Christopher learned to love Jesus and trusted God with all of his heart.   He loved to read.  He loved school.  He loved his friends.  He was very silly and loved to have fun.  He loved to play video games too.  His favorite was Skylanders. 
The King and Queen were very, very, very proud of their son, the prince.  They loved him so much and knew that someday he was going to do a great job when he would take over the Kingdom. 

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